I am NOT a fan! I went to a few games and they just seem really boring. The players stand around a lot and don't do anything. I think part of the problem is that I usually sit in the bleachers and can't really see the ball, unless someone runs after it. At least in soccer, basketball, hockey, I can follow the players (if I can't see the ball) and still know what's going on.
Some people enjoy the atmosphere with the beer and the hot dogs. I dislike both, so I guess there's not that much left for me... Well, maybe people watching. Jason and I went to an Oakland-Boston game a couple of days ago. I thought I'd be a good wife and did not complain too much :) We ended up sitting next to a group of 10 year-old kids who were Boston fans. There was also a big guy right next to them who was an Oakland fan. The kids and the guy kept bickering throughout then game and it was really fun to listen. If it wasn't for them I would have been really bored. However, I enjoyed it this time and i think I'll be ok with going to a few more ;)
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