This is Jason and Agnieszka's corner of the internet. We'll keep people updated with our travels, culinary adventures, and general mischief that we tend to get ourselves into.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Welcome to the Jungle

Welcome to the crime scene. Last night Aga and I were enjoying the sensation of softshell crab resting peacefully in our bellies as we worked on a second bottle of wine, when we heard some screaming outside our window. Two guys were beating the living bejesus out of a third who was sitting in this gray car. I mean they really let him have it. Punched him in the head multiple times. Threw him into the street, and kicked him on the ground. I had to call 911, give a statement and everything. The first cop car on the scene came roaring up the wrong way on our one way street, and two officers jumped out with guns drawn and screaming. It was a tense situation as everyone dropped to the pavement.

The short story of what happened; the guy in the car thought it was his! There was an almost identical car just 50 feet away. Apparently his wife was inside and he just sat in what he thought was "his" car. The true owners were just none to pleased to see him sitting in their vehicle, and that's when all hell broke loose.

It's ok SF, we still love you.


Hyperion said...

I thought you lived in Chicago?

4:53 AM

Agnieszka said...

We lived in Chicago once upon a time. Now we live in terrestial heaven.

6:38 PM


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