This is Jason and Agnieszka's corner of the internet. We'll keep people updated with our travels, culinary adventures, and general mischief that we tend to get ourselves into.

Monday, December 26, 2005

X-Mass spirit

So we went to see Munich tonight. A reminder to everyone that most bloodshed is senseless bloodshed.

Two nuggets of Christmas spirit.

#1) Waiting in line for tickets there was only one register open. I was waiting patiently in line with about 12 other people. Another register opened. Instead of rushing over to the new window, I decided to continue to wait where I was standing and wait for the next available window. As did most everyone else, besides this one peevish woman. She struts up to the open register.

Me; "Excuse me man, but you are cutting in front of everyone here?"
Peevish Woman "Hey, there's TWO lines here!"
Me; "Geez how bout a little Christmas spirit?"
Peevish Woman; "Well if that's important to you!" proceeds to role eyes and wave chubby arms
Me; grumble, cut in front of her and get my tickets. On my way out "Merry Christmas!"

#2) Going to Borders, woman pan handling at the door. We ignore her. At the end of the movie we see the same woman making an illegal U-turn in a spiffy little Sentra.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I was going to go bodyboarding today

but I wussed out...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Southern California Law Blog

The Southern California Law Blog: "Regulators said Monday they charged two individuals with insider trading ahead of news in 2004 that radio shock jock Howard Stern was moving to Sirius Satellite Radio Inc..

The Securities and Exchange Commission said accountant Gary Herwitz and former Sirius executive Tracey Stanyer “illegally profited from advance knowledge of radio personality Howard Stern’s $500 million contract with Sirius.”"

This is a test...

Monday, December 19, 2005

Working for the MAN

I got a job with the DOJ here in SD. I will be doing major fraud, white collar, and narcotics cases as a paralegal. It's a full time job, which will lead to some long nights trying to balance school with work. However, there are some serious benefits;
  • $$, we will be able to search for the jobs we want after graduation, not the ones that pay tuition repayments.
  • Better insurance, general Gov't perks (holidays, 401k's, etc)
  • It's what I want to do after I graduate. This is the field, and these are the people I want to associate with.
  • I've been assured that I won't just be pushing paper, and that I'll be allowed to bring to the table any skills that I can offer. I will be pushed as much as I push myself.
  • It's more then just a paycheck on a personal/ philosophical level.
Other then that, exams are officially in the books. Hardest part is not thinking about them. As I posted earlier, we tried our hardest. Here's hoping... We've been eating much better, but nothing post worthy. Lots of cooking, bike rides, roller blading, and sleeping in. We are spending X-mass in Chicago. We are then having Eliza, Nikki, Owen over for New Years. Finally we are going to Colorado for some skiing. (for super cheap, thanks to an Aga travel agent perk). And that's it from the monkey barn.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Right before the firey sunset..

Since we're going to be gone for christmas and then gone in January, we didn't get a Christmas tree this year. But we got something better! Our rosemary tree not only smells great, but it's also edible!

And one more...

Sunset in La Jolla

San Diego seals seem much lazier than the ones in SF's Fishermen's Wharf.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Martha Stewart was not involved. The idea was all mine, mine, mine...

Anyway, it was impossible to buy a hanging flower basket for plants. I went o four different stores and not one had them. Had to make it myself...

Agnieszka wanted to post this earlier, but the technology frustrated her attempt. She made it out of her own blood, sweat and tears and it involves braided wire, copper pots and a touch of Martha Stewart Better Living.

Friday, December 09, 2005


are almost over. We've worked hard. Almost too hard. It's scary. It's exhausting. It's demoralizing. BUT we are 1/2 way through. We finish on Monday night. I don't regret anything. I've really enjoyed myself. I enojoy the material. I enjoy the black letter, and I enjoy the policy. Hopefully the grades will reflect that. If not, well there are always bigger fish to fry.

This stuff doesn't scare me. I don't think there is anything to be afraid of anymore. I'm not sure I would change much. I just wish I had 10 extra minutes on that Torts exam, but so does everyone else. I'm not sure I would have changed my prep much. I apologize again for the lack of meaningful updates. The stress and time commitments have been boorish. We will rejoin the living as of next week. I promise. Aga already has the menu planned, and I promise lots of pictures!

ps: we re-potted our mint tonight. Extra mojitos for new years everyone!
pps: I hate my PT job, but that might change soon. More developments on Tuesday hopefully.
ppppps: Life 'aint that bad after all.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Law Humor is like a Bad Tumor...

"Res ipsa loquitur, sed quid in infernos dicet?" ("The thing speaks for itself, but what the hell is it saying?")