This is Jason and Agnieszka's corner of the internet. We'll keep people updated with our travels, culinary adventures, and general mischief that we tend to get ourselves into.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Ciabatta from scratch

Still haven't started work yet. I've been trying to use this time to my advantage. Lots of cooking, lots of studying, lots of cleaning around the house, but I am ready to start already.

Here's some flavor to underscore my situation.

Today I;

Dropped Aga off at school
Scrubbed pots
Baked bread
Got dinner ready
Hung laundry
Re-read my reading for the week
Worked on my crim law outline
Filled out yet MORE security forms for work
Browsed the net
Vacumned (sp?) and tidied up apartment
Posted to the blog

I hope reading this list is as boring as it is intended. Dull dull dull. I'm trying to be as productive as possible, but this is getting old real quick. You can only study/ bake/ clean so much.

I'm going to campus to study some more before class. Posted by Picasa


JonesWare said...

Ah, but it certainly beats "driving a tank in the desert"...

1:30 PM


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