General info:
ModelHP PhotoSmart C850 (V05.42)
Basic shot info:
Focal Length17.22 mm; equivalent: 84 mm
Subject Distance0.618 metres
Aperture ValueF3.5
FlashUnknown flash mode
Metering ModeCenter weighted average
Shutter Speed Value1/512 sec
ISO Speed Ratings100
Advanced shot info:
Exposure Bias Value0
Exposure Time1/800 sec
Brightness Value1683/256
Exif-related info:
Exif Version2.20
Exif Image Width2272 pixels
Exif Image Height1712 pixels
Color SpacesRGB
CompressionJPEG compression
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HPIM0219 * 2272 x 1712 * (1.08MB)

HPIM0220 * 2272 x 1712 * (1.42MB)

HPIM0221 * 2272 x 1712 * (787KB)

HPIM0222 * 2272 x 1712 * (1.37MB)

HPIM0223 * 2272 x 1712 * (1.44MB)

HPIM0225 * 2272 x 1712 * (794KB)

HPIM0226 * 2272 x 1712 * (838KB)

HPIM0227 * 2272 x 1712 * (950KB)

HPIM0228 * 2272 x 1712 * (898KB)

HPIM0229 * 2272 x 1712 * (895KB)

HPIM0224.JPG - 2272 x 1712 - (1.85MB)
1/1/03 5:57 PM
BluPlusPlus skin for JAlbum 4.2 created by Armond Avanes
Album last updated on 2/26/04 9:07 PM